小編語: 2016年5月19日下午,我們國際部可愛的外教Linda 帶領(lǐng)全體劍橋課程的學生欣賞了一部印度電影<English Vinglish>,這部電影究竟有何魔力讓Linda要極力推薦?看劍橋AS班三個學生的真實感想,我們就能一目了然了。 外教Linda在影片開始前悉心講解分析 學生認真觀影 1 新的角度,改變自己 劍橋AS班 鮑鵬 如何愛自己 ——電影<English Vinglish>觀后感 這是一部可以用多種角度來欣賞的電影:印度傳統(tǒng)婦女對尊嚴的追求、印度人在紐約、法國帥哥戀上印度美女等等。站在我的角度,我看到更多的是電影里對英語那種無國別的描述,如何愛自己。 眾所周知,印度被英國殖民很長一段時間,英語之于印度,就如普通話之于中國,均是官方語言。記得很小的時候聽過一些客家話的相聲,其中一段相聲里面把普通話描述為“官話”,會說官話被認為是一件很了不起的事,通常只有讀過書和做官的才會說官話?,F(xiàn)在的印度,英語也成為官方語言,很多地方都以英語為母語,漸漸非常多的印度人甚至不會說印度語。而電影里面,Sashi是一名傳統(tǒng)的能燒出一手好菜的印度婦女,英語不好,因此時常被女兒和丈夫嘲笑,漸漸Sashi心里既是憤怒又是自卑。 電影一開始并沒有急著講述Sashi如何刻苦學習英語,而是安排了兩段故事。一段是在飛機上遇到一個印度老紳士,非常有趣,他只出現(xiàn)了5分鐘,意在向Sashi傳達“凡事要自信,大膽的去做”;另一段,是Sashi獨自去咖啡館遇到巴辣的黑人女侍應,因為無法用英語點餐,被當眾羞辱,Sashi奪門而出崩潰大哭。第二段故事我深有體會,自己平時助人為樂,怎么輪到需要別人幫助的時候,旁人卻視而不見,置若罔聞,那種氣憤和委屈,不言而喻。這兩段經(jīng)歷對于Sashi學英語來說一個是糖果,一個是鞭子。 后來,Sashi借著去紐約參加妹妹婚禮的契機,報名參加了一個為期四周的英語速成班,惡補英語。這四周的英語速成班,由一位基友老師負責,他非常有愛,班里的同學來自美國以外的其他國家,有墨西哥的保姆、巴基斯坦的出租車司機、法國的帥哥廚師、中國的美女發(fā)型師、印度的IT宅男、還有一位來自非洲的沉默男生、加上印度傳統(tǒng)家庭主婦——Sashi,組成這個小小的“聯(lián)合國”英語班。他們互相訴說著為什么要來這個班學英語,每個人都有不同的理由,但是共同理由就是想融入這個說英語的國度。他們的英語都不怎么靈光,但因為來自不同的國家,他們互相交流的時候都只能用蹩腳的英語,那種畫面是既熟悉又搞笑。就像當時我們在高一開學時的外教課上,外教要求我們在課堂上用英語交流,我們就操著一口踉踉蹌蹌的英語,一個單詞一個單詞的拼出要講的意思,特別希望能說出一口流利句子。在班里有這么一段有愛的畫面,基友老師失戀了,大家議論紛紛,這時Sashi說“老師是同性戀,對于我們來說他是不正常的,同樣的,對于他來說,我們也不正常。但是我們心痛的感覺會是一樣的。”基友老師帶著墨鏡,在門外聽到這段話,感到非常的溫暖。在這里,英語如同一道橋梁,促進不同國籍的人的心靈交流與融合。 電影的結(jié)局也是溫馨和歡樂的,Sashi說“如果你不喜歡自己,自己周圍的一切你都會討厭,但如果你學會愛自己,周圍的一切都會漸漸變得有吸引力,原本沉寂如死水的生活就開始變得煥然一新,變得美好。謝謝你,教會我,如何愛自己!”同樣, 感謝外教Linda給我們推薦了這部電影,感謝這部電影讓我們學會了如何愛自己。 2 喚醒學習英語的激情 劍橋AS班 施錚云 努力,贏得尊重 ——電影<English Vinglish>觀后感 語言問題是每個準備出國的人所面臨的最大障礙,今天通過一部電影談談我對語言問題的感想,這部電影名字叫English Vinglish。它講述了一個從未獨自出過門且不懂英語的印度媽媽Sashi如何邁出國門獨自踏上紐約參加妹妹婚禮的故事。 故事中這位不懂英語的媽媽常常被兒女嘲笑,在家中的地位不高,經(jīng)常不受兒女尊重,原以為這日子就這樣一直過下去了,誰知妹妹的一通電話讓她一下子陷入低谷,他們一家被邀請去紐約參加婚禮,而且因丈夫有事,她必須一個人提前兩周先去往那個未知的城市,于是她帶著膽怯和不安踏上了旅途。在紐約,她深深體會到了不會英語是一件多么痛苦的事,就算在家中有妹妹和侄女會說印度話,但不見得就不出門了,于是她決定學英語。就這樣,她的英語學習旅程開始了,學習了兩周,她的英語水平大幅提升,終于在丈夫和兒女面前贏回尊重。 這個故事讓我想起了去年暑假我的英國之旅,當時我和老師同學們一起前往英國傳播中國文化,體驗英國的學習和生活。雖然不是孤身一人,但也是第一次在沒有親人陪伴下前往一個語言不相同的地方。這讓我真正體會到周邊都是外國人,回蕩在耳邊的都是英語的感覺。我剛踏上英國時內(nèi)心是忐忑不安的,盡管過了幾天一些基本的生活對話能應付,但要做到毫無障礙的交流還是有一定困難的。相比影片中的主人公來說,我有一定的英語基礎(chǔ),要提高英語難度相對較小,但當時的自己并沒有像Sashi那樣不懼怕困難,想各種辦法,全身心的去提高自己的英語。我們都是準備出國的學生,不久的將來我們也將迎來一段艱難的適應過程,語言是基本的生存條件,無論是生活還是學習??戳诉@部電影,我將不再害怕英語學習中遇到的困難,我相信我們都會像電影中那位堅持不懈最終成功的媽媽一樣,努力讓自己變得更加完美,最終贏得所有人的尊重。 3 高大上的全英文讀后感 劍橋AS班 周意達 To love yourself ——Sashi We all have these periods when we are treated not fairly, or teased, not respected. It is,however, not always the others’ fault, because people won’t respect you if you don’t respect yourself. Respect is not always something people give you, but something you win through loving yourself. This is what I learnt from the film English Vinglish. 女主角Sashi和一群學英語的小伙伴 English Vinglish is an Indian film directed by Gauri Shinde and released by the Eros International on October 5th, 2012. It’s about a traditional Indian mother, Sushi... sorry I mean Sashi (it’s hard to get used to the name at first), who is not respected by the family she loves due to her awful English, traveled to New York city to help her relatives on a wedding they’re going to have. She then attended an English learning course. The rest of the story is then about Sashi meeting many people and gaining back the confidence she had long lost.The best part of the English Vinglish, I believe, is the part of Sashi changing from a self-abased selfless mother, to a woman who knows how to think for herself and wins the respect of others. In the beginning of the film, Sashi was teased by her daughter. Her husband didn’t want to say anything to her even though the words that were necessary. Thereafter she started to learn English in the United States (are you sure this is not an advertisement?), it was her first time to change herself and became more confident. Starting from then, she gradually started to love herself, and on the wedding, which was at the end of the movie, she gave out a speech in English about family and respect. She showed everyone that she is a human being (before she is anything?), and she deserves to be respected (this is certainly an advertisement). The same thing works on the reality and on everybody. When we are not respected, we should not stay silent. What we should do is to show them who we are and get back what we deserve to have. Respect is not something that people would always give us, it’s something that we win. There’s this detail, though, that most people tend to ignore. Sashi’s niece was the first one in her family to know about Sashi attending the English course which Sashi didn’t want anyone to know. However, her niece didn’t tell anybody. Instead, she helped and supported Sashi till the end of the story. If she wasn’t there, Sashi probably would never gain back her respect. In the film, many people, more or less, gave Sashi help like her niece did. The world we are in is not as bad as we think, and not everybody around us disrespects us. Hence, the next time we need help, all we need to do is to ask for it, as there are people who will always be there to help us and stand on our side. The world is more beautiful than we think. There are a few drawbacks of the film though. First, the story is about a traditional Indian mother who has two children. According to this information, Sashi should be in her 40s or even 50s, and the actress, Sridevi, looks too young for the character. (Which kind of didn’t give us?) enough idea that she is an old mother who has passed the hone of time. She looks more like a young lady instead. However, this could be understood. In fact, who would like to watch a movie about an old woman? Most people likes young girls. Another drawback is about the story of Laurent. In the film, Laurent fell in love with Sashi. Let’s not consider about the fact that this 20 or 30 year old young man fell in love with a 40 or 50 year old mother. This fragment of the story seems quite meaningless. If it was to let Sashi learn to love herself, there could have been lots of other ways to show that. In my point of view, it just seemed like the producers simply wanted to add a love story into the film...and ...that became an awful idea. In fact many people, after watching the film, started arguing about whether Sashi should run off with Laurent. (This made the film seem lower?) that it should have been but made it seem more popular since so many people are fighting for it...or maybe this was what producers wanted...let’s just stop this topic right there.Besides, English Vinglish is a pretty awesome film, and I recommend everyone to take a try on it. I’m sure that you would be inspired (this is certainly not an advertisement). “When you don't like yourself, you tend to dislike everything connected to you. When you learn to love yourself, then the same old life starts looking new, starts looking nice.”This quote from Sashi in the end of the film is the best to conclude the whole story, and probably, our lives. 編外語 電影《霸王別姬》里,程蝶衣的老師說“人!得自個兒成全自個兒!”而影片<English Vinglish>女主角Sashi同樣詮釋如何通過自身努力克服困難,成全自己,贏得別人的尊重,成功逆襲!此次觀影,同學們受益匪淺,感觸頗深,學習英語的激情再次被點燃!努力,一直以來都是個奢侈品。只要功夫深,鐵杵磨成針,相信國際部的孩子們會 Day Day up,成全自我,贏得尊重! 6月11日,金蘋果國際部國際課程招生說明會歡迎您!(時間:上午9點,地點:國際部一樓大廳)學校官網(wǎng):www.wjlyzp.cn(可網(wǎng)上報名)國際部咨詢電話:6897 3118, 68973866(周老師、王老師) 微信號
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