(2015.3.9-3.13) 星期 早點(diǎn) Morning snack 托、小班午餐 PreK & K1 lunch 大、中班午餐 K2 & K3 lunch 主食Main 副食 Side 特殊菜Special 星期一 Mon. 牛奶 milk 小餅干 Biscuits 醬爆鴨肉duck (板栗 chestnuts) 番茄炒蛋 Tomato scrambled eggs 蓬蒿燴豆腐干絲 vegetable and tofu 醬爆鴨塊duck (板栗 chestnuts) 番茄炒蛋 Tomato scrambled eggs 蓬蒿燴豆腐干絲 vegetable and tofu 米飯 rice 小糖包 sugar buns 湯 Soup 水果Fruit 午點(diǎn) Afternoon snack 星期二Tue. 牛奶 milk 小餅干 Biscuits 肉餅蒸蛋 steamed minced pork & egg 西芹百合 Celery with lily 蒜茸菠菜 Garlic with Spinach 肉餅蒸蛋 steamed minced pork & egg 西芹百合 Celery with lily 蒜茸菠菜 Garlic with Spinach 米飯 rice 肉松卷 minced meat buns 鯽魚(yú)豆腐湯 Fish soup with tofu 蘋果apple 鮮肉縐紗小餛飩 mini wonton 星期三Wed. 牛奶 milk 小餅干 Biscuits 紅燒小肉圓 Red-roast meatball 蒜苗炒肉絲 Carlic bolt & minced meat 蝦米炒西葫蘆米 shelled baby shrimp & pumpkin 紅燒小肉圓 Red-roast meatball 蒜苗炒肉絲 Carlic bolt & minced meat 蝦米炒西葫蘆 shelled baby shrimp & pumpkin 米飯 rice 果醬卷 Jam buns 芋艿老鴨湯 Taro and duck meat soup 香蕉 banana 赤豆血糯米蓮心粥 red bean,blood glutinous congee 香菇素菜包 mushroom vegetable Steamed bun 星期四Thu. 牛奶 milk 小餅干 Biscuits 薺菜鮮肉餛飩 veggie & pork wonton 五香鴨肝 duck liver 薺菜鮮肉餛飩 veggie & pork wonton 五香鴨肝 duck liver 餛飩wonton 西芹粟米胡蘿卜蛋炒飯fried rice w/ celery, corn, carrot & egg 番茄金針菇蛋湯 tomato, flammulina velutipes & egg soup 蘆柑 orange 椰汁西米露 coconut milk w/ tapioca 可可蛋糕 keke cake 星期五 Fri. 牛奶 milk 奶香刀切 steamed milk bun 雞蛋黃魚(yú)羹 Croaker and egg 紅燒素雞粒 vegetarian chicken 蔥油南瓜 stir fried pumpkin 雞蛋黃魚(yú)羹 Croaker and egg 紅燒素雞粒 vegetarian chicken 蔥油南瓜 stir fried pumpkin 米飯 rice 豆沙卷 red bean paste buns 牛肉羅宋湯Russian borsch 蜜梨 pear 桂花山芋湯 gui hua and sweet potato soup 小花卷 steamed rolls
早點(diǎn) Morning snack
托、小班午餐 PreK & K1 lunch
大、中班午餐 K2 & K3 lunch
副食 Side
星期一 Mon.
牛奶 milk 小餅干 Biscuits
醬爆鴨肉duck (板栗 chestnuts) 番茄炒蛋 Tomato scrambled eggs 蓬蒿燴豆腐干絲 vegetable and tofu
醬爆鴨塊duck (板栗 chestnuts) 番茄炒蛋 Tomato scrambled eggs 蓬蒿燴豆腐干絲 vegetable and tofu
米飯 rice
小糖包 sugar buns
湯 Soup
午點(diǎn) Afternoon snack
肉餅蒸蛋 steamed minced pork & egg 西芹百合 Celery with lily 蒜茸菠菜 Garlic with Spinach
肉松卷 minced meat buns
鯽魚(yú)豆腐湯 Fish soup with tofu
鮮肉縐紗小餛飩 mini wonton
紅燒小肉圓 Red-roast meatball 蒜苗炒肉絲 Carlic bolt & minced meat 蝦米炒西葫蘆米 shelled baby shrimp & pumpkin
紅燒小肉圓 Red-roast meatball 蒜苗炒肉絲 Carlic bolt & minced meat 蝦米炒西葫蘆 shelled baby shrimp & pumpkin
果醬卷 Jam buns
芋艿老鴨湯 Taro and duck meat soup
香蕉 banana
赤豆血糯米蓮心粥 red bean,blood glutinous congee 香菇素菜包 mushroom vegetable Steamed bun
薺菜鮮肉餛飩 veggie & pork wonton 五香鴨肝 duck liver
西芹粟米胡蘿卜蛋炒飯fried rice w/ celery, corn, carrot & egg
番茄金針菇蛋湯 tomato, flammulina velutipes & egg soup
蘆柑 orange
椰汁西米露 coconut milk w/ tapioca 可可蛋糕 keke cake
星期五 Fri.
牛奶 milk 奶香刀切 steamed milk bun
雞蛋黃魚(yú)羹 Croaker and egg 紅燒素雞粒 vegetarian chicken 蔥油南瓜 stir fried pumpkin
豆沙卷 red bean paste buns
牛肉羅宋湯Russian borsch
蜜梨 pear
桂花山芋湯 gui hua and sweet potato soup 小花卷 steamed rolls
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